Friday 30 December 2011

Job Search On Face Book

Job Search On Face Book 
Create a  profile- 
 Setting up a public, professionally grounded, yet suitably personal, Facebook profile will tell potential employers a lot about you. 
What company or industry organization pages do you ‘Like’? Does the passion you have for your career continue beyond your 9 to 5 ?
 How well versed are you in social media in general?
 Answering these questions with a well designed Facebook profile will undoubtedly raise the value of your personal brand in the eyes of a hiring manager.

Keep that profile professional- 
Use as your primary photo a high quality high resolution image which represents you as you need to be seen for the job you desire. Facebook is, first and foremost, a visual platform and that’s how your audience forms its impression. Certainly, additional photos should be available but even these should never have an embarrassing afterlife, circulating for eternity on the internet.
Network with professional interests in mind-
 Using Facebook is just an extension of face to face networking.You can and should let people know that you are looking for a job and what kind. Ask if anyone knows of a job and ask them to keep their eyes open for you.
Extend in-person relationships-
Thank people you meet face to face by interacting with them on Facebook and build a stronger relationship so they will keep you in mind if any opportunities arise.
Target your job search-
Companies you are interested in and engage in conversations on their page, who helps companies find employees on Facebook.Specifically follow the careers Facebook pages for your target companies. Those pages are typically moderated and managed by the companies. Let groups know what type of position you are looking for by posting on the wall and asking for leads or introductions.

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